• Night-mode

  • BVAR Trucking April Update

    BVAR Trucking April Update

    Saturday 4th May, 2024

    BVAR Trucking April news

    Welcome to BVAR Trucking April newsletter Edition, you’ll be able to view a summary of the April of below.

    VTC Statistics

    • In the month of April, BVAR has logged a total of 1,147,497 miles in ETS2 & 74,231 miles in ATS.
    • Our drivers has deliveries a total of 1463 across April. (Across both games).
    • BVAR has ended April in 2nd in ETS2 & 7th in ATS. (In the UK).

    ETS2 Driver Of The Month

    Spidervipper101 – A Total of I58,629 Miles

    Philippa001 – A Total of 98,001 Miles

    ATS Driver Of The Month

    WelshGamer1975 – A Total of 35,759 Miles

    Banner Of The Month


    We participated in the following convoys:

    We created the following convoys:

    Here are some pictures of the convoy we’ve participated in:

    Global Trucking

    BVAR Trucking

    LKW 3 Year!

    BVAR Trucking 6th Anniversary Celebrations

    We got our Anniversary event on Saturday 17th August 2024 and you’re all invited to this attached as the link for the event page can be found below, Hope to see you there as you can booked a slot for your VTC if you’re a Event Manager or above.

    Posted by Sim

    Category: Press

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